Hi there , I har buy giving your computer shoppers a complete make over on this review. Lets stat off that Hewlett Packard is nothing more then a black market.
Hewlett Packard /EBAY/PAYPAL must go out of buiness. This is not hate message. Evne the real fact I do hate these big corperations.
The real deal of Hewlett Pachard or I like to call them parden my french to the consumers. Hewlett Phuckard. I am serius. lets start of with the DV9000, DV9200cto sereis Notebook computers
talk about bad design. using Cbina made black market parts. comes complete with spyware hardware and spyware software. Do not take it the wrong way. what I ment is my persioal ID and who I am where I live and what I do on the DV92000 series notebook will be sent on secret spyware hsardware and software is designed in to the Notebook computer. othter Dead design problems are
Over heating motherboard. that will over heat and dies. Power supply. runs to darn gone hot. Word of caution. may melt down or explode with out warning. Heavy amount of blue screen of death just on opening a foulder. I hade the windows go out of control and gut stuck or blue screen of death. Due to the graphic controlers and the OPEN-GL Files.
Hewlett Packard design to have no service. No warrenty. it clmes it dose however it dose not. Due to full cost of Hewlett Packard's corp level bank accounts. World wide bank accounts.
I kid you not. Let the warrenty due. Hewlett packard tech support is the far worst ever or even same as Dell. never the less let the warrenty die. Make Beleaved they fixed it.
Blacking out my own persional sofwrare that I paid money on. well becuasde I did not order it from HP it will not work. GTA IV PC for one example is also a spyware driven sending spy in my computers to block the software and the computer to work.
Hewlett pckard sold one of the three dv9000 series notebooks that are bead desisng. one was sold to some on in California. I wanted 8 months for a replacment. Due to the Full Cost.
\HP sent me a dead designed notebook computer called DV7-1000z same the usbal dead design issues. all of there notebooks comes with the worlds worst O.S. on the market. Windows Vista.
Micorosft main O.S. to kill poeples computers. well to tell the real data. HP dose not need to do this evel work for them. HP dose it for the all mighty constituion rights.
Microosft dose take heavy amout of the blame for this issue. However HP started it from the start. Still the DV7-1000z also main objective is the Windows Vista and the hardsware simply makes a dead computer run dead. well cannot access the internet. Unable to install sofrware and runn it beucase I did not order the software from HP. So they blacked it. the information was gaven to me from the corp level of HP. over a arument on the phone.
Hewlett Packard dose argue and fignt over the phone. Not a way to treat the tax paying consumers. when I pay for something. I want it to work. Not design to spy on my Visa card, bank ccount,Persional ID, who I work for. who I am shopping with. Not of there busiess to do so. never the less due to the due to the freedom of rights. HP can do what ever they please.
and the Federal Goverment of the United States of America dose use Hp servies to spy on who ever the Federal govement wants to do.
did you follow the special report from CNBC reguarding big corperation ripping off peoples ID? Hewlett packard was on this report on there Lazer Printers. printing out a code in yellow dots on the paper. it canss what the document is. then Hewlett Packard gets all the documents and sells it to big corperation. The bigest customer I think is the US Federal Govermentto help out in some of there privet objective. want to keep a eye on some one.
Hewlett packard phone support realy stinks. Hewlett pckard killed my account. Buecase I did not follow there rules and regulations. Ok Fine. building black market computers. selling in on the market. ripping off consumers and the consumers do not have the right to ask quetions on the subject? Hell I paid for it. I demand the service I need. if not. Hewlett packard dose not follow instutctions from the consumers. I am one consumer. when I told them them not do build dead computers for a living. build more and more and more. One other thing.
when I tell Hewlett Packard to give me back the money.. there excuse is its too old. why its too old? HP dose not do anything. Waste my time and money. to enforce the all sales are final.
I had persioal taken the mater to the US Goverment Atterney General office. I filed many suck reports on many charges I am placing agisnt Hewlett Packard. so far I have to hire my own atterney. Gee wis Hewlett Packaerd paid money to the Federal Goverment in order to have black market protection from the Federl Govmerment. the mail I have everty thime I file a report ends up with hire my own atterney. never send a federal agient to shut Heewlett packard down. Never both to ask me to look my my notebook computers and see for them selfs The Federal Goverment must learn about why I am doing my reports. lazy work form Federal goverment atterneys. come on. I got email from the US goverment not to keep filing new reports on Hewlett packard. I got snail mail demanding me to do the same thing. Not to file reports. Go to my privet atterney.
Hewlett packard prodcution line is bad for the envirement. using not save production in China. in the USA its not allowed to use those hazard products however in China there is no law o hazard products.
I do not recomand Hewlett packard to any consumers. If you want my dead computers to prove it. if any one wants one can buy my dead computers 1,200.00 each Full cost.
if you want soemthing to use in court. some one with money wants to take down Hewlett packard can easy send me a message.
I will be more then happy to support any one that is willing to take down Hewlwett packard. Note I do not have the money to dotate to a product like that. however I will be more then willing to sell my dead computers to any one is willing to take on Hewlett packard.Get more detail about HP DV9913CL-RB 17" Entertainment Notebook PC - REFURBISHED.
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